Beth yw'r Clwb Gofal?
Mae Meithrinfa Seren yn gweithredu Clwb Gofal Plant Ar Ôl Ysgol yn Carreg Hirfaen gan ddarparu gofal i'ch plant pob dydd o'r wythnos. Mae ar agor i blant rhwng 4 ac 11 oed. Mae'n cael ei redeg trwy gyfrwng y Gymraeg.
What is the Clwb Gofal?
Meithrinfa Seren Nursery operate the After School Kids Club at Carreg Hirfaen providing after school care for your children every weekday. It is open to children aged between 4 and 11 years old. It is run through the medium of Welsh.
Oriau Agor - Club Hours
3.20pm - 6pm
Ble mae'r clwb yn cwrdd?
Mae'r Clwb yn cwrdd ar dir yr ysgol ac yn cael ei redeg gan staff a gyflogir gan Feithrinfa Seren. Bydd plant sy'n ymuno â'r clwb yn mwynhau gweithgareddau mewn amgylchedd cyfarwydd efo staff y maent yn eu hadnabod yn dda. Mae'r adeilad yn addas iawn ar gyfer yr anabl.
Where does the club meet?
The Clwb operates on the school premises and is run by staff employed at Meithrinfa Seren Nursery. Children joining the activities will be in familiar surroundings with staff that they are familiar with. The building is suitable for the disabled.
Beth mae'r plant yn ei wneud?
Darperir te (Bwydlen bwyta'n iach)
Gweithgareddau tan do / awyr agored
What do the children do?
Tea provided (Healthy eating manu)
Indoor/outdoor activities
Gweithgareddau Awyr Agored
Amrywiaeth eang o gyfleusterau ar gyfer gemau e.e. hoci, tenis, pêl-droed, rygbi, gweithgareddau parasiwt, ac ati
Outdoor Activities
Wide range of facilities for games e.g. hockey, tennis, football, rugby, parachute activities, etc
Gweithgareddau Dan Do
Ymhlith y gweithgareddau tan do mae gemau bwrdd, celf a chrefft, gweithgareddau cyfrifiadurol, coginio, chwarae rôl ac ymweliadau. Mae ardaloedd tawel ar gael ar gyfer darllen a cwblhau gwaith cartref.
Indoor Activities
Activities include board games, art and craft, computer activities, cookery, role-play and visits. Quiet areas are available for reading and homework.
Sut alla i ddefnyddio'r Clwb?
Rhaid i chi gofrestru'ch plentyn / plant cyn y gallant fynychu, hyd yn oed os mai anaml y byddwch yn bwriadu defnyddio'r cyfleuster. Gellir casglu ffurflenni cofrestru o'r ysgol.
Ar hyn o bryd mae gan y Clwb leoedd ar gyfer 30 o blant yn ystod pob sesiwn. Mae'r rhain yn cael eu dyrannu i blant sydd wedi cofrestru ar gyfer lle (amser llawn neu ran amser) a'u dyrannu ar sail y cyntaf i'r felin.
Os oes angen lle arnoch mewn argyfwng mae'n RHAID i'ch plentyn gael ei gofrestru.
I archebu lle mae'n rhaid i chi wirio argaeledd trwy gysylltu ag arweinydd y Clwb neu trwy ffonio'r ysgol.
Rhaid gwneud arweinydd Clwb yn ymwybodol o unrhyw newid yn y bobl sy'n casglu plentyn o'r clwb.
Rhaid i'r plentyn gael ei arwyddo allan o'r clwb ar ddiwedd pob sesiwn.
How can I use the Clwb?
You must register your child/children before they can attend, even if you only intend to make use of the facility infrequently. Registration forms can be collected from the Play Leader.
Currently the Clwb has places for 30 children during each session. These are initially allocated to children who have been registered for a place (full or part time) and allocated on a first come, first served basis.
If you require a place in an emergency your child MUST be registered.
To book a place you must check availability by contacting the Clwb leader or by ringing the school.
The Clwb leader must be made aware of any change in persons collecting child from club.
The child must be signed out of the club at the end of every session.
After School Care - Meithrinfa Seren Nursery
To book or enquire about a place for your child at the after school club please contact us by telephone (01570 423426) or by email below. Please include your details: