Safeguarding Policies
- Carreg Hirfaen - Accident Policy.pdf
- Carreg Hirfaen - Administration of Medicine policy.pdf
- Carreg Hirfaen - Attendance Policy.pdf
- Carreg Hirfaen - Additional Learning Needs Policy.pdf
- Carreg Hirfaen - Admissions Policy.pdf
- Carreg Hirfaen - Anti-bullying Policy.pdf
- Carreg Hirfaen - Child Protection Policy 2022-23.pdf
- Carreg Hirfaen - Close Personal Associations Guidance for Schools.pdf
- Carreg Hirfaen - Data Protection Policy.pdf
- Carreg Hirfaen - Disciplinary Rules, Conduct, Procedures Capablity and Grevence Policy.pdf
- carreg-hirfaen - e.ddiogelwch e-safety policy.pdf
- Carreg Hirfaen - Equal Opportunities.pdf
- Carreg Hirfaen - Equality Policy.pdf
- Carreg Hirfaen - EXCLUSION POLICY.pdf
- Carreg Hirfaen - Food and Fitness Policy.pdf
- Carreg Hirfaen - Health & Safety Policy.pdf
- Carreg Hirfaen- Healthcare Needs Policy.pdf
- Carreg Hirfaen - healthy schools Policy.pdf
- Carreg Hirfaen - LAC policy.pdf
- Carreg Hirfaen - Intimate Care and changing policy.pdf
- Carreg Hirfaen - Physical Restraint Policy.pdf
- Carreg Hirfaen - Privacy Notice.pdf
- Carreg Hirfaen - Pupil Discipline & Anti-bullying Policy 2021.pdf
- Carreg Hirfaen - Racial Equality Policy.pdf
- Carreg Hirfaen - Photographic Policy.pdf
- Carreg Hirfaen - Polisi Cwynion Complaints Procedure.pdf
- Carreg Hirfaen - Polisi gwisg ysgol school uniform policy.pdf
- Carreg Hirfaen - Polisi Ymwelwyr i'r ysgol Visitors to school policy.pdf
- Carreg Hirfaen - Premises-Management-Policy.pdf
- Carreg Hirfaen - Rhyddid Gwybodaeth Freedom of Information-2017.pdf
- Carreg Hirfaen - Sex Education Policy.pdf
- Carreg Hirfaen - Social Network Policy.pdf
- Carreg Hirfaen - Substance and Alcohol Misuse Policy.pdf
- Carreg Hirfaen - toilet policy.pdf
- Carreg Hirfaen - Whistleblowing Policy.pdf