Mae'r amgylchedd dysgu yn Carreg Hirfaen yn atgyfnerthu ein hymrwymiad am safonau uchel a'n hymdrech parhaus tuag at godi cyflawniad.
Mae’r amgylchedd dysgu yn fodd i ychwanegu mwy o ddyfnder ac ehangder at ddysgu disgyblion. Credwn ei fod yn chwarae rhan bwysig wrth gefnogi lles a iechyd ein dysgwyr. Mae'n codi hunan-barch, yn dathlu'r hyn rydyn ni'n ei wneud ac yn annog balchder yn yr ystafell ddosbarth a'r ardal allanol.
The physical and emotional learning environment at Carreg Hirfaen reinforces our commitment to high standards and the drive to continually raise achievement.
The learning environment is a means of adding greater depth and breadth to pupils’ learning. We believe it plays an important role in supporting the well-being of our learners. It raises self-esteem, celebrates what we do and encourages pride in the classroom and school.
Learning Environment - Aims
The school’s aims for the learning environment are:
- To motivate children by setting high standards to which they can aspire
- To support independence and active learning
- To encourage collaboration
- To celebrate achievement
- To create a stimulating teaching and learning environment
- To encourage aesthetic awareness and a positive attitude to our school environment
- To arouse curiosity, pose questions and stimulate enquiry
- To increase children’s self-esteem and pride in their work
- To reflect and value different levels of achievement and cultural backgrounds
- To inform and inspire parents, carers, governors, teachers and visitors to the school.