Displays at Carreg Hirfaen
At Carreg Hirfaen we use displays to enhance and promote learning.
We ensure that displays:
- engage the audience and/or stimulate interest in a topic, theme or unit of work
- model high expectations of presentation and handwriting
- ensure reflection of a broad and balanced curriculum and always include work related to literacy and numeracy
- contain key and technical vocabulary relevant to the focus of the learning is evident in all subjects
- maintain balance between celebration and information
- use various styles, strategies and subjects
- be current - all work on display is up to date and represents learners currently in the class
- celebrate children’s work and evidence our community/ethnic mix
- be used actively and purposefully
- ensure that all learners are represented
- be 3D where possible and creative (and include use of relevant text books and artefacts)
- have a variety of techniques and media employed in artistic displays
- learner’s drawings, writing and other representational work to be original
- have learners own drafted independent writing on display. (It is acceptable to have some mistakes in pieces of extended writing or teachers’ marking/feedback on the work)
- have a title and labels (bilingual – Welsh /English /other languages as appropriate) which include information, facts and questions introduce, summarise or reinforce knowledge and skills
- are accessible to its audience ie right height and size for reading
There are four main types of display:
- Interactive - where children have the opportunity to interact with the display either during the main teaching input or as part of their lesson or informally to extend their learning beyond the lesson. Interactive aspects should be multisensory.
- Celebratory - reflecting the Curriculum coverage and standards for that particular year group
- Informative – A learning wall where children can get information eg Times tables reckoner, WoW words.
- Working walls - Work is not necessarily mounted as it is expected to develop rapidly and change frequently eg work of the week
Displays should include:
- Information (pictures, reference materials, word banks, etc to encourage interaction and enquiry)
- Process (stimulus material, evidence of the work’s evolution)
- Outcomes (final results)
- A variety of written texts styles (e.g. handwritten by student/adults, computer fonts, etc). This is because children will see a variety of texts in the world around them.
All displays need to reflect the professional and innovative nature of the work that is carried out in the school. They should have correct or appropriate level of spelling, syntax and punctuation (there are exceptions on working walls where work in-progress by pupils may be displayed).