As teachers at the school we will do our best to: - meet the aims of the school
- care for your child’s safety and happiness in a congenial Welsh atmosphere
- achieve high standards of work through classwork and homework and achieve high standards of behaviour
- provide a balanced curriculum to meet the needs of your child
- develop your child’s talents and abilities as fully as possible
- keep you informed about your child’s progress in particular and school matters in general through parents meetings, newsletters and reports
- deal sensitively with any concerns or complaints
- help your child to leave school well equipped to continue his/her education in the secondary sector
As a parent/guardian I will do my best to: - ensure that my child attends school regularly, on time, properly equipped and wearing appropriate clothing
- notify the school immediately of any unavoidable absence
- support the authority, discipline and Welsh ethos of the school
- take an active and supportive interest in my child’s work and progress, including homework
- attend Parent’s Evenings and other discussions about my child’s progress
- encourage my child to take advantage of any opportunity offered
- let the school know of any concerns or problems that might affect my child’s behaviour or work
- familiarise myself with my child’s school life
As a pupil of the school I will do my best to: - attend regularly and on time
- be respectful, polite and helpful to other pupils and the members of staff
- maintain the Welsh traditions of the school at all times
- bring all the necessary equipment and kit
- complete all my class schoolwork and homework to the best of my ability
- take advantage of the opportunities offered
- take good care of the school environment
- aim to achieve high standards of conduct and behaviour when representing the school in any academic, religious, cultural or sporting activity