Pages within the Gwybodaeth / Information menu:
- Gwybodaeth / Information
- Cynllun Gwella Ysgol - School Development Plan
- Ysgolion Iach - Healthy Schools
- Adroddiad Blynyddol Llywodraethwyr - Governors Annual Report
- Ysgol sy'n Parchu hawliau - Rights Respecting School
- Ein Amgylchedd Dysgu - Our Learning Environment
- Tymhorau Ysgol - Term Dates and School Holidays
- Derbyniadau Ysgol - School Admissions
- Cwricwlwm - Curriculum
- Polisiau - Policies
- Estyn - Data Perfformiad / Performance Data
- ADY - Anghenion Dysgu Ychwanegol / ALN - Additional Learning Needs
- Trafnidiaeth Ysgol - School Transport
- Cynllun Gwella Ysgol - School development plan
- Cinio Ysgol - School Meals
- Presenoldeb - Attendance
- Grant Datblygu Disgyblion - Pupil Development Grant (PDG)
- Cytundeb Ysgol-Cartref / Home-School Agreement