Llywodraethwyr Ysgol Carreg Hirfaen School Governors
Aelodau'r Corff llywodraethol - Members of the Governing Body
Cadeirydd / Chairperson
Mrs Georgina Cornock Evans
Is-Gadeirydd / Vice Chairperson
Mr Dylan Jones
Y Gymuned / Community Representatives
Mrs Sian Davies
Mr Irwel Jones
Mrs Bethan Jones
Mrs Georgina Cornock Evans
Rhieni / Parent Governors
Mrs Jane Cousinne
Mrs Beverley Hopkins
Mr Llion Russell
Mr Dylan Jones
Awdurdod Lleol / Local Authority Governors
Mr Dyfed Evans
Mr Graham Hope
Athrawon / Teacher Governor
Mrs Elin Jones
Llywodraethwraig Staff Governor
Mrs Julia Davies
Pennaeth / Headteacher
Mr Aled Jones Evans