We have very clear expectations of the staff, pupils and the environment in which we all learn.
The teachers will...
- keep a consistent focus on the four purposes of the curriculum
- challenge all learners
- encourage sustained effort and growth mindset
- use a blend of pedagogical approaches to promote problem solving, creative and critical thinking
- build upon previous knowledge
- create authentic contexts for learning
- employ assessment for learning principles
- teach across all areas of learning and experiences
- reinforce cross-curricular responsibilities including literacy (Welsh and English), numeracy and digital competency
- provide opportunities for pupils to practice their skills in real life situations
- encourage pupils to take responsibility for their own learning
- support social and emotional development
- encourage independence and interdependence
- value the four purposes within their planning
The pupils will...
- build from what they know
- make choices to support their learning
- ask questions about their learning
- value their own and others’ ideas
- learn from their mistakes
- make choices about their learning including when to use ICT
- have time to reflect on own and others’ work
- challenge themselves
- use a range of approaches to learning
- enjoy working together and on their own
The school environment will provide...
- experiences of real life problems and situations
- a safe comfortable, inspiring place for learning
- appropriate technology to inspire creative learning
- enjoyable opportunities for outdoor learning.
- learners with opportunities to care for and manage their natural world