Datganiad o Fwriad
Ein nôd yn Carreg Hirfaen yw darparu addysg o'r ansawdd uchaf i blant a phobl ifanc ein hardal. Gwnawn hyn mewn amgylchedd gyfoes a chyfeillgar trwy ymrwymiad staff proffesiynol, ymroddedig a gofalgar sydd yn anelu'n barhaus at sicrhau y Safonau Addysgol uchaf posib.
Gweithiwn law yn llaw efo'n cymuned leol i ddarparu'r ystod ehangaf o gyfleoedd addysgol ac allgyrsiol i'n disgyblion, a'u datblygu i fod yn ddysgwyr uchelgeisiol, galluog, annibynnol, ac yn ddinasyddion cydwybodol, hyderus, dwyieithog y dyfodol.
Ein nod yn Carreg Hirfaen yw: -
- creu amgylchedd ysgol hapus a chroesawgar sy'n parchu Hawliau'r Plentyn.
- cyflwyno cwricwlwm sydd wedi ei yrru gan y “pedwar pwrpas”.
- datblygu pob unigolyn i'w lawn botensial trwy gynnig ystod eang o brofiadau sy'n meithrin a datblygu sgiliau o ansawdd uchel sy'n seiliedig ar wybodaeth.
- hyrwyddo cyfle cyfartal a pharch tuag at bawb, waeth beth fo'u cred, eu hil a'u rhyw.
- annog cariad at ddysgu a lefelau uchel o hyder trwy ddull meddylfryd 'twf'.
- datblygu sgiliau meddwl effeithiol, y gallu i ddysgu yn annibynnol a'r medrau i ddatrys problemau yn greadigol.
- defnyddio pob cyfle posib i ddatblygu sgiliau rhifedd, llythrennedd a chymhwysedd digidol gan alluogi pob plentyn i brofi cyflawniad ar bob lefel.
- galluogi disgyblion i dderbyn cyfrifoldeb cynyddol am drefnu eu dysgu eu huanain a datblygu eu rheolaeth o amser.
- gwella hunan-werth pob plentyn a meithrin eu gallu i werthfawrogi gwerth pob unigolyn trwy eu trochi mewn amgylchedd cyfeillgar, gofalgar a diogel. Bydd hyn yn datblygu empathi, hunanddisgyblaeth, hunan-barch uchel ac ymddygiad da ymhlith unigolion.
- datblygu dychymyg byw a chreadigrwydd trwy gynnig ystod eang o brofiadau dilys a chyfoethog.
- datblygu'r chwilfrydedd naturiol y mae plant yn ei arddangos amdanynt eu hunain ac am y byd o'u cwmpas, a defnyddio y chwilfrydedd yma i feithrin agweddau cadarnhaol, iach at ddysgu.
- datblygu gwerthfawrogiad o ddiwylliant, treftadaeth a hanes am Gymru a'n hardal leol.
- datblygu gwerthfawrogiad o'r iaith Gymraeg.
Mission Statement
Our aim at Carreg Hirfaen is to provide the children and young people in our area with education of the highest quality. We will achieve this in a friendly, homely, well resourced environment by means of professional, committed, caring staff who continually strive for the highest standards.
We work with our community to provide our pupils with the widest range of educational and extra curricular opportunities, developing them into ambitious, capable learners and contientious, confident, bilingual citizens of the future.
School Aims
At Carreg Hirfaen we aim to:-
- create a happy welcoming school environment that respects the UNCRC’s Rights of the Child.
- deliver a “four purpose” driven curriculum
- develop each individual to their potential through offering a wide range of high quality skills and knowledge based experiences.
- promote equality of opportunity and respect for everyone, irrespective of belief, race and gender.
- encourage a love of learning and high levels of confidence through a growth mindset approach
- develop effective thinking, independent learning and the ability to solve problems creatively.
- use every opportunity to develop the skills of numeracy, literacy and digital competence enabling each child to experience achievement at all levels.
- enable pupils to be given progressive responsibility for organising their learning and management of time.
- enhance self-worth and the ability to value each person’s own worth through a caring, secure environment. This will develop empathy, self-discipline, high self-esteem and acceptable behaviour.
- develop imagination and creativity by offering a wide range of authentic experiences.
- develop the natural curiosity that children exhibit about themselves and their world, and use their curiosity to foster positive attitudes to learning.
- develop an appreciation of the heritage and history of Wales and that of our locality.
- develop an appreciation of the Welsh language.