Mae angen rhifau terfynnol arnom erbyn 12 o'r gloch pnawn yfory o'r plant hynny sydd am fynd i'r Panto Nadolig yn Theatr y Lyric dydd Mawrth nesaf.
I gadarnhau presenoldeb eich plentyn ar y trip i'r Panto mae angen i chi wneud taliad am y trip ar Parentpay a danfon y ffurflen ganiatad wedi ei chwblhau yn ol i'ch athrawes ddosbarth.
Ni ellir archebu tocynnau ar ol pnawn yfory.
We need to have final numbers by 12 o'clock tomorrow afternoon of pupils who wish to attend the Christmas Panto at Theatr y Lyric, Carmarthen next Tuesday.
To confirm your child's attendance on the trip you will need to make the payment on Parentpay and return the completed permission form to your class teacher by 12 noon tomorrow afternoon.
Tickets for the Panto cannot be ordered after this deadline tomorrow.