School Logo

Ysgol Gynradd Carreg Hirfaen Primary School

"Dyfal Donc a Dyr y Garreg"

Contact Details

Trefniadau dychwelyd i'r Ysgol - Ionawr 2022 (Back to School Arrangements - January 2022)

Trefniadau dychwelyd i'r Ysgol - Ionawr 2022

Back to School Arrangements - January 2022

Wrth i'n disgyblion ddychwelyd i'r ysgol yfory gofynwn yn garedig i'n rhieni i barchu rheoliadau Covid yr ysgol trwy gadw pellter cymdeithasol o 2 fetr wrth eich gilydd, wisgo gorchudd wyneb wrth ollwng a chasglu eich plant o'r ysgol, a sicrhau bod eich plant yn diheintio dwylo cyn dod i mewn i'r ysgol yn y bore. Yn ogystal, os yw eich plentyn yn arddangos unrhyw symptomau Covid-19 anogwn i chi ei brofi/phrofi cyn iddo/iddi ddod i'r ysgol yn y bore.



Mae ein trefniadau arferol ar gyfer y clwb brecwast yn parhau a cynigir gofal ar ol ysgol i'n disgyblion trwy Feithrinfa Seren.



Mae'r trefniadau ar gyfer casglu disgyblion ar ddiwedd dydd yn parhau efo rhieni yn casglu plant y cyfnod sylfaen am 3pm a rhieni plant cyfnod allweddol 2 yn eu casglu am 3.15pm. Cesglir teuluoedd cyfnod sylfaen a cyfnod allweddol 2 am 3pm fel arfer. Bydd y bws ysgol yn gadael Carreg Hirfaen am 3.25pm fel arfer.

Er mwyn lleihau'r risg o oedolion yn trosglwyddo Covid i'n gilydd wrth gât yr ysgol bydd gennym drefn newydd mewn lle wrth i'n rhieni aros eu tro i gasglu plant ar ddiwedd dydd. O hyn ymlaen disgwylwn i'n rhieni i aros mewn rhesi dosbarth penodol cyn cael eu galw gan staff i mewn i'r iard i gasglu eu plant.

Bydd staff ar gael pnawn yfory wrth gât yr ysgol i'ch cynghori am hyn ac i esbonio'r drefn newydd.


Gofynwn yn garedig i'n rhieni barcio yn gyfrifol yn y maes parcio ar ddiwedd dydd gan lenwi'r bylchau gwag ac osgoi defnyddio'r ardal benodedig ar gyfer parcio anabl.


As our pupils return to school tomorrow we kindly ask parents to respect the School's Covid regulations by keeping a social distance of 2 meters apart, wearing a face cover when dropping off and picking up your children from school, and making sure that your children sanitise their hands by the entrance gate before coming into school in the morning.

In addition, if your child is exhibiting any Covid-19 symptoms we urge you to carry out an LFT test before he / she comes to school in the morning.


Our usual breakfast club arrangements will continue this term and our pupils will continue to be offered after school care through Seren Nursery.


Autumn term arrangements for collecting pupils at the end of the school day will remain in place with parents collecting foundation phase children at 3pm and parents of key stage 2 children collecting them at 3.15pm. Families with pupils in both key stages can be collected as usual at 3pm. The school bus will leave Carreg Hirfaen at 3.25pm as usual.

To reduce the risk of adults transferring Covid to each other at the school gate we will have a new procedure in place at the end of the day. As parents wait their turn to collect children from school they will need to wait in one of three class rows before being called by staff onto the yard to collect their children.

Staff will be available at the school gate tomorrow afternoon to advise you on the new arrangements.


We kindly ask our parents to park responsibly in the car park at the end of the school day by using up the empty spaces before parking near the grass verge and to avoid using the designated areas for disabled parking unless you have a blue badge.

Diolch unwaith eto am eich cydweithrediad


Many thanks for your cooperation.

Aled Jones Evans
