Cynhelir Noson Addysgiadol yn yr ysgol ar nos Fercher, Mawrth 29ain i ddechrau am 6.30pm.
Cyflwynir gwybodaeth i rhieni am y cwricwlwm newydd ac am y gwahanol ffyrdd y gallant gefnogi eu plant yn eu dysgu trwy hyrwyddo gwahanol weithgareddau yn y cartref. Noson i'r rhieni yw hon wrth gwrs ac nid i'r plant.
Ffocws y noson yw:
Y Cwricwlwm Newydd
Sumdog - Datblygu Medrau Mathemateg a Rhifedd plant
Cefnogi Medrau Darllen eich plant
Cefnogi Iechyd Meddwl a Lles Emosiynol disgyblion
An Educational Evening for parents will be held at the school on Wednesday, March 29th starting at 6.30pm.
Information will be presented to parents about the new curriculum and the different ways they can support their children's learning by promoting various activities at home.
The focus will be on:
The New Curriculum
Sumdog - Developing Children's Mathematics and Numeracy Skills
Supporting your children's Reading Skills
Supporting pupils' Mental Health and Emotional Wellbeing
Cofiwch gefnogi'r noson - Please support the evening.
Diolch - Thank you
Aled Jones Evans