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Ysgol Gynradd Carreg Hirfaen Primary School

"Dyfal Donc a Dyr y Garreg"

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Dyma newyddion diweddaraf yr ysgol.

Here you will find the latest School news.

  • Côr 'Only Kids Aloud' Choir

    Thu 30 Sep 2021

    Hoffwn rannu’r e-bamffled hon efo chi sy’n rhoi cyfle i blant oed 9-12 yng Nghymru i ymgeisio i fod yn aelod o gorws Only Kids Aloud. Mae'r côr yn recriwtio aelodau i ffurfio côr newydd sbon ar gyfer 2022 ac yn chwilio am aelodau.

    Byddai’n ffantastig pe bai’r côr yn cynnwys aelodau o Garreg Hirfaen!!!


    I would like to share this e-flyer with you that’s promoting an opportunity for children in Wales ages 9-12 to become members of the Only Kids Aloud chorus. They are recruiting members across Wales to form a brand new choir for 2022.

    It would be fantastic to have members representing Carreg Hirfaen in the choir!!!

  • CLWB CWTSH - Would you like to learn Welsh at Home?

    Tue 28 Sep 2021
    Why not join us at Clwb Cwtsh?
    Starting: Monday 4th of October 2021
    On Mondays,Tuesdays or Wednesdays:
    10.00am -11.00am, 12.30pm -13.30pm or 13.30pm -14.30pm
    We can also offer a special session to a group of parents/ carers who want to start learning Welsh Together.
    We're willing to discuss more suitable times too. 
    For more information please contact Tanya Morgans at:
  • Trefniadau Tymor yr Hydref 2021 - School Arrangements for Autumn term 2021

    Fri 03 Sep 2021

    Annwyl Riant/Gwarcheidwad,

    Gobeithio eich bod chi a'ch teulu wedi cael cyfle i fwynhau’r gwyliau haf. Unwaith eto, hoffwn ddiolch i chi am eich cefnogaeth a'ch cydweithrediad with i ni addasu a dygymod tros y deunaw mis diwethaf gyda goblygiadau ac effaith haint Covid-19 ar rediad yr ysgol. Wrth gwrs mae Covid-19 yn parhau i fod gyda ni yn y gymuned ac er ein bod am lacio rhywfaint ar rhai o’r cyfyngderau a roddwyd mewn lle tros y misoedd diwethaf mae Dyna gyfrifoldeb aroom o hyd i geisio lleihau’r ring o drosglwyddo’r haint o fewn ein cymuned ysgol.

    Wrth i ni edrych ymlaen at groesawi’r disgyblion yn ôl i’r ysgol dydd Gwener yma, carwn rannu gwybodaeth efo chi am rai o drefniadau’r ysgol ar gyfer y tymor newydd.


    Mygydau / Gorchudd Wyneb

    Staff - Ar ddechrau'r tymor newydd, ni fyddwn mwyach yn argymell bod staff neu ddysgwyr yn gwisgo gorchuddion wyneb yn yr ystafell ddosbarth. Fodd bynnag, efallai y bydd ysgolion a lleoliadau am annog eu defnydd mewn ardaloedd lle mae'n debygol y bydd mwy o gymysgu cymdeithasol, megis mewn ardaloedd cymunedol.

    Rhieni - Rydym yn dal i ofyn i rieni wisgo gorchuddion wyneb wrth ollwng neu gasglu plant o'r ysgol. Anogir rhieni i wisgo gorchudd wyneb pan fyddwch yn ymgynnull wrth fynedfa’r ysgol yn y bore a’r prynhawn, ac ar unrhyw achlysur lle y byddwch yn ymweld a’r ysgol neu yn cwrdd â staff neu rhieni eraill ar dir yr ysgol.


    Pellter Cymdeithasol

    Disgwylir i bawb o gymuned yr ysgol i barhau parchu cadw pellter cymdeithasol wrth ei gilydd lle bo hynny yn bosib.


    Swigod Dosbarth

    Ni fyddwn yn cadw disgyblion yn gaeth i’w swigod dosbarth fel yr oedd y drefn cyn tymor yr Haf. Bydd achlysuron yn codi wrth gwrs pryd y bydd angen cadw dosbarthiadau ar wahan ond o ddechrau’r tymor yma bydd plant y gwahanol ddosbarthiadau yn medru cymysgu a chymdeithasu efo’i gilydd yn ystod amseroedd chwarae.


    Glendid Dwylo

    Mae disgwyl i blant yr ysgol i ddiheintio eu dwylo wrth y fynedfa yn foreol cyn cael mynediad i’r ysgol. Disgwylir i bob ymwelydd â’r ysgol ddieintio eu dwylo yn yr un modd.


    Clwb Brecwast

    Bydd Clwb Brecwast yr ysgol yn ail-agor i’n disgyblion ar ddydd Llun, Medi 6ed gan redeg o 8am hyd 8.30am yn neuadd yr ysgol. Bydd y disgyblion yn derbyn brecwast ac yna’n trosglwyddo o’r Clwb Brecwast i’w dosbarthiadau am 8.30am. Bydd plant yn cael mynediad i’r Clwb Brecwast trwy’r brif fynedfa gan gael eu tywys i’r neuadd gan aelod staff. Bydd angen i’r rhiant gofrestri ei plentyn yn y clwb brecwast wrth y brif fynedfa.


    Trefn Bore

    Yn y boreau ni fyddwn yn parhau efo’r drefn o dderbyn plant i’r ysgol mewn slotiau amser penodol ar gyfer y gwahanol ddosbarthiadau. O hyn ymlaen os bydd plentyn yn cyrraedd yr ysgol cyn 8.30am yna bydd yn mynychu’r clwb brecwast. Bydd unrhyw blentyn sydd yn cyrraedd yr ysgol ar ol 8.30am yn mynd yn syth i’w ddosbarth.


    Trefn diwedd dydd

    I gydymffurfio â gofynion y Sir o ran rheoli risg lledaeni Covid-19 yn y gymuned, ac er mwyn ein cynorthwyo ni i gadw torfeydd rhieni sy’n ymgasglu wrth fynedfa’r ysgol ar ddiwedd dydd i’r isafswm, bydd angen i rhieni disgyblion y Cyfnod Sylfaen gasglu eu plant am 3pm. Bydd angen i rhieni disgyblion cyfnod allweddol 2 gasglu eu plant am 3.15pm.

    Os oes gan riant blentyn yn y cyfnod sylfaen a chyfnod allweddol 2 yna gall ef / hi gashlu'r ddau blentyn am 3pm. Bydd angen hysbysu staff o hyn.


    Bws Ysgol

    Bydd y bws Ysgol yn casglu disgyblion o’r ysgol fel arfer am 3.20pm


    Clwb Gofal ar ol ysgol

    Bydd Clwb Gofal Ysgol Carreg Hirfaen yn ail-ddechrau ar ddydd Llun, Medi 6ed, ac yn cynnig gofal i blant ysgol Carreg Hirfaen yn unig rhwng oriau 3pm a 6pm. I archebu lle i’ch plentyn yn y clwb gofal bydd angen i chi gysylltu â Dawn Mason o Feithrinfa Seren.

    Carwn hefyd bwysleisio y gall y trefniadau yma ar gyfer Ysgol Carreg Hirfaen newid tros yr wythnosau nesaf wrth i ganllawiau Covid-19 y Sir a Llywodraeth Cymru gael eu diweddaru a’u haddasu. Byddwn yn ymateb i unrhyw newidiadau yn syth ac yn rhannu gwybodaeth pellach gyda chi mor gynted a sydd bosib.


    Diolch yn fawr,

    Aled Jones Evans


    Dear Parent / Guardian,

    I hope you and your family have had the opportunity to relax over the past few weeks and have enjoyed the summer holidays.

    Once again, I would like to thank you for your support and co-operation over the past eighteen months in adapting to the implications and impact of Covid-19 protocols on the running of the school.

    Of course Covid-19 remains with us in the community and although we are relaxing some of the limitations that have been put in place over the past few months, we still have a responsibility to try and reduce the risk of transmission within our school community.

    As we look forward to welcoming our pupils back to school this Friday, I would like to share with you some of the school's arrangements for the new term.


    Masks / Face Covers

    Staff - At the start of the new term, staff are no longer required to wear face coverings in the classroom. However, we will encourage their use in areas where there is likely to be more social mixing, such as in communal areas.

    Parents - We still ask parents to wear face coverings when dropping off or picking up children from school. Parents are encouraged to wear a face cover when assembling at the school entrance in the morning and afternoon, and on any occasion when you visit the school and meet staff or other parents on the school grounds.


    Social Distancing

    Everyone from the school community is expected to continue respecting social distancing wherever possible.


    Class Bubbles

    We will no longer confine pupils to their classroom bubbles as was the case before the Summer holidays. There will of course be occasions when classes need to be kept separate but from the beginning of this term pupils from different classes will be able to mix and socialize with each other during lunchtime and playtimes.


    Hand Sanitising

    Pupils are expected to sanitise their hands at the school entrance in the morning before entering the school. All visitors to the school are expected to hand-sanitise in the same way.


    Breakfast Club

    The school Breakfast Club will re-open for our pupils on Monday, September 6th and will run from 8am until 8.30am in the school hall. Pupils will receive breakfast and then transfer from the Breakfast Club to their classes at 8.30am. Children will access the Breakfast Club through the main school entrance and will be escorted to the hall by a member of staff. The parent will need to register their child for the breakfast club at the main entrance.


    Morning routine

    In the mornings we will not be continuing with the procedure of admitting children to school in staggered time slots as was the case prior to the Summer holidays. From now on if a child arrives at school before 8.30am then he/she will attend the breakfast club. Any child who arrives after 8.30am will go straight to class.


    End of day routine

    To comply with the LEA's requirements for managing the risk of Covid-19 spreading in the community, and to help us keep the number of parents who gather at the school entrance at the end of the school day to a minimum, parents of foundation phase pupils will need to collect their children from school at 3pm. Parents of key stage 2 pupils will need to collect their children at 3.15pm.

    If a parent has a child in both the foundation phase and key stage 2 then he/she can take both children at 3pm. Staff will need to be notified of this.


    School Bus

    The School bus will pick up pupils from school at 3.20pm


    After School Care Club

    Carreg Hirfaen After School Care Club will resume on Monday, September 6th, offering care to Carreg Hirfaen school pupils only between the hours of 3pm and 6pm.

    To book your child into the care club you will need to contact Dawn Mason of Seren Nursery.

    I should also emphasize that these arrangements may change over the coming weeks as the LEA and Welsh Government Covid-19 guidelines are updated and amended. We will respond to any changes immediately and share further information with you as soon as possible.


    Thank you,

    Aled Jones Evans

  • Covid - Gwybodaeth am Hunan-ynysu / Self Isolation Guidelines

    Fri 03 Sep 2021

    (Rheoliadau ers dechrau Medi 2021)



    Mae hunanynysu yn golygu nad ydych chi’n gadael y tŷ. Dylech hunanynysu ar unwaith os oes gennych chi symptomau a pharhau i hunanynysu hyd nes y cewch ganlyniad prawf PCR COVID-19.

    Os ydych wedi cael canlyniad positif am COVID-19, neu os yw gwasanaeth Profi, Olrhain, Diogelu GIG Cymru wedi gofyn i chi hunanynysu, rhaid i chi aros gartref. Rydych chi’n torri’r gyfraith a gallech chi gael dirwy os nad ydych chi’n aros gartref ac yn hunanynysu.


    Y cyfnod hunanynysu yw 10 diwrnod ers:

    • y diwrnod yn syth ar ôl y dyddiad y dechreuodd eich symptomau

    • y diwrnod yn syth ar ôl dyddiad eich prawf positif, neu’r dyddiad a gadarnhawyd i chi gan y gwasanaeth Profi, Olrhain, Diogelu os cawsoch eich nodi fel cyswllt agos i rywun sydd wedi profi’n bositif am COVID-19.

    • Mae hunanynysu yn berthnasol i oedolion a phlant o bob oed.


    O 7 Awst 2021 ymlaen, nid yw oedolion sydd wedi’u brechu’n llawn ac a gafodd y brechlyn yn y DU, na phobl ifanc o dan 18 oed, yn gorfod hunanynysu os ydynt yn cael eu nodi fel cyswllt agos i rywun sydd wedi profi’n bositif am COVID-19.


    Bydd gofyn i chi gymryd profion PCR ar ddiwrnod 2 ar ôl eich cysylltiad diwethaf â’r achos positif (neu cyn gynted â phosibl) ac ar ddiwrnod 8. Mae’n bwysig eich bod yn cymryd y profion hyn hyd yn oed os ydych yn teimlo’n iawn – mae’n bosibl y bydd gennych COVID-19 hyd yn oed os nad oes gennych symptomau.

    Bydd y rhai nad yw’n ofynnol iddynt hunanynysu mwyach hefyd yn cael cyngor ac arweiniad gan y swyddogion olrhain cysylltiadau ynglŷn â sut i ddiogelu eu hunain, gan gynnwys:

    • Ceisio lleihau cysylltiad ag eraill ac osgoi lleoedd prysur, yn enwedig o dan do

    • Ystyried defnyddio profion llif unffordd yn fwy rheolaidd neu bob dydd yn ystod y cyfnod pan fyddech fel arall wedi bod yn hunanynysu

    • PEIDIO ag ymweld â phobl agored i niwed megis y rhai mewn cartrefi gofal neu ysbytai

    • Gweithio gartref os nad ydych eisoes yn gwneud hynny

    • Rhoi gwybod i’ch cyflogwr eich bod wedi dod i gysylltiad ag achos o COVID-19

    • Gwneud ymdrech ychwanegol i sicrhau’ch bod yn golchi’ch dwylo’n drylwyr ac yn rheolaidd ac yn gwisgo gorchudd wyneb

    • Os ydych yn gweithio yn y sector iechyd a gofal cymdeithasol, efallai y bydd eich cyflogwr yn gofyn i chi gymryd profion ychwanegol rhag ofn neu’n gofyn i chi wneud rôl arall dros dro, fel yr awgrymir yn y canllawiau o’r enw Cysylltiadau COVID-19: canllawiau i staff iechyd a gofal cymdeithasol

    Os byddwch yn datblygu symptomau COVID-19 unrhyw bryd, ni waeth pa mor ysgafn ydynt, ac ni waeth beth fo’ch oedran na’ch statws brechu, dylech hunanynysu ar unwaith a threfnu prawf PCR COVID-19.


    Os ydych dros 18 oed, ac nad ydych wedi cael cwrs llawn o frechlyn COVID-19 yn y DU, dylech hunanynysu am 10 diwrnod:

    • os byddwch yn datblygu symptomau COVID-19, ni waeth pa mor ysgafn ydynt (a dylech archebu prawf)

    • os ydych yn byw gyda rhywun sydd wedi datblygu symptomau COVID-19 ac sy’n aros am ganlyniad prawf PCR

    • os ydych yn byw gyda rhywun sydd wedi profi’n bositif am COVID-19

    • os yw’r gwasanaeth Profi, Olrhain, Diogelu wedi cysylltu â chi i ddweud wrthych am hunanynysu gan eich bod wedi dod i gysylltiad agos â rhywun sydd wedi profi’n bositif am COVID-19


    (Regulations as from September 2021)


    Self-isolation means that you do not leave the house. You should self-isolate straight away if you have symptoms and until you receive the results of a COVID-19 PCR test.


    If you have tested positive for COVID-19, or have been told to self-isolate by the NHS Wales Test, Trace, Protect (TTP) service, you must stay at home. You are breaking the law and could be fined if you do not stay at home and self-isolate.


    The self-isolation period is 10 days from either:

    • the day immediately following the date of the start of your symptoms

    • the day immediately following the date of your positive test, or

    • the date confirmed to you by the TTP service if they identify you as a close contact of someone who has tested positive for COVID-19


    Self-isolation applies to adults and children of all ages.


    As of 7 August 2021, adults who have been fully vaccinated and received the vaccine in the UK and those under the age of 18 will no longer have to self-isolate if they are identified as close contacts of someone who has tested positive for COVID-19. You will be asked to take PCR tests on Day 2 from your last contact with the positive case (or as soon as possible) and on Day 8. It is important that you take these tests even if you feel well, you may have COVID-19 even if you do not have symptoms.


    Those who are no longer required to self-isolate will also receive advice and guidance from TTP contact tracers about how to protect themselves as follows:

    • Try to minimise contact with others and avoid crowded settings, particularly indoor settings

    • Consider using lateral flow tests on a daily/ more regular basis for the time you would otherwise have been self-isolating

    • DO NOT visit vulnerable people such as those in care homes or hospitals.

    • Work from home if you are not already doing so

    • Inform your employer that you are a contact of case of COVID-19.

    • Pay extra attention to thorough and regular hand washing and wearing a face covering

    • If you work in the Health and Social Care sector your employer may ask you to take additional tests as a precaution or temporarily ask you to undertake an alternative role as outlined in the COVID-19 contacts: guidance for health and social care staff


    If you develop COVID-19 symptoms at any point, no matter how mild, regardless of your age or vaccine status, you should immediately self-isolate and arrange a COVID-19 PCR test.


    If you are over the age of 18, and have not received a full course of COVID-19 vaccination in the UK, you should self-isolate for 10 days if:

    • you develop COVID-19 symptoms, no matter how mild (and you should book a test)

    • you live with someone who has developed COVID-19 symptoms and they are awaiting the outcome of a PCR test

    • you live with someone who has tested positive for COVID-19

    • you have been contacted by the TTP service and told to self isolate because someone you have had close contact with has tested positive for COVID-19
